South Coastal Road, Iceland
A panorama of one of the seemingly endless stretches Iceland's Southern Coastal Road.

Chernobyl Anniversary Part 2 - Pripyat

Landscape Photography Tips
I've been asked more and more lately about what my suggestions would be for getting into this field. Any landscape photography tips for someone just starting out? So here I have compiled the 10 most important things I've learned from all my years of taking landscape photos.

Exhibition - August 1st 2015

Manhattan Beach

Welcome to grahamgilmore.com V2.0
Graham Gilmore on Facebook
I've been updating my images and websites recently and have decided to move the facebook group for my work over to a fan page for my photography.
Urb-Ex | Murphy's Ranch
This Sunday I left the house early for some "Urban Exploration" and headed to Pacific Palisades out on the coast, to go looking for an abandoned Nazi complex.
Graham Gilmore at the Venice Art Crawl
If you're attending the Venice Art Crawl on Thursday 17th of February you can see a selection of my images at Santinos on Pacific Avenue.