The Chernobyl Exclusion Zone

Pripyat Amusement Park
Check out new and unseen photos of Pripyat Amusement Park. Follow British-American Photographer Graham Gilmore as he visits the Chernobyl Exclusion zone and explores parts of the area not seen on regular tours.

Chernobyl Pt 3 - Exploring Pripyat
Pripyat Hospital, as one might imagine, was by far the creepiest part of Pripyat. We walked passed dark room after dark room through a maze of hallways while drug vials and broken bottles cracked underneath our feet. Bottomless lift shafts and stairwells that descended into pitch black also added to the eerie atmosphere.

Chernobyl Anniversary Part 2 - Pripyat

Chernobyl Anniversary and HBO Special
With the recent 33rd anniversary of the Chernobyl Accident a week ago and the premiere tonight of the HBO special, its seems that now is a good a time as ever to deep dive into my Chernobyl photography.

Welcome to grahamgilmore.com V2.0
Remember Chernobyl 1986 - 2011
If you're a fan of ambient and electronic music then I strongly urge you to check out this website and compilation album from French net-label Ambientaria records.
Welcome to grahamgilmore.com
A few months ago my curiosity got me checking into whether my name was taken up already as a “.com” or other internet address and low and behold it wasn’t, so I signed up for it on the spot.